Craft: The first photo was taken with a digital Camera and the second photo was actually taken off of Google so I am not sure what the photo was taken with.
Concept: The concept of these photos was the same as the previous week.It was to tell a story. Basically the pictures had to build on something. I chose to tell a story about me playing basketball. The forst picture represents me applying myself and playing basketball. the second photo of the girl represents the day I tore my knee in basketball practice. The third photo is suppose to be the ball actually deflating because I was no longer able to play on the team anymore my senior year because I had knee surgery. So the red paint represents blood like my heart is being broken because of this and the yellow and blue are my school colors.
Composition: The top and last photo was composed by me using a digital camera and Photo Shop. I used paint and duplicated the layers of the basketball in the first photo. The last photo I just used paint and transformed the ball to deflate.
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